Welder Training Center


Welder Training Center located at 12 Przybylaka Street is amongst the most modern facilities of its kind in Poland. Our 3000 sq ft workshop is equipped with 14 state-of-the-art welding stations supplied by the industry leader Lincoln Electric SA. Every station contains a welding fume extractor.


Welder Training Center is officially certified by Institute of Welding (Instytut Spawalnictwa) in Gliwice to conduct courses in full accordance with PN-EN 287 and PN-EN ISO 9606 standards. Training is modular and consists of 3 levels:

- International/European Fillet Welder (module 1)

- International/European Plate Welder (module 2)

- International/European Tube Welder (module 3)


Our courses include:

- manual metal arc welding (MMA/SMAW)

- tungsten inert gas welding (TIG/GTAW)

- metal active gas welding (MAG/GMAW)


Welder Training Center staff are highly qualified and experienced professionals. Every course ends with a state exam conducted by Institute of Welding  examiners. After passing final practical examination every graduate receives:

-   Welder's Book issued by Institute of Welding in Gliwice,

-   International/European Welder Diploma issued by Institute of Welding in Gliwice,

-   Certificate of Graduation issued by Welder Training Center.


Experienced technical and engineering staff, as well as the highest quality standards give every graduate a guarantee of mastering the difficult and   in-demand profession of welder.

